Al via ART4SEA Creatività e Scienza per la protezione dell'ambiente marino

Il 1° febbraio ha preso ufficialmente il via il progetto ART4SEA, coordinato da 3D Research e sostenuto dalla European Education and Culture Agency.

ART4SEA Melting Art, Creativity and Marine Sciences is starting!

ART4SEA project, supported by the European Education and Culture Agency through the Creative Europe program and coordinated by 3D Research, officially kicked off on March 1st. 

CREAMARE and ART4SEA at the Networking Meeting of the Italian and Maltese Desks

CREAMARE and ART4SEA projects presented at the
Networking Meeting of the Italian and Maltese Desks of the Creative Europe program.

CREAMARE e ART4SEA al Networking Meeting of the Italian and Maltese Desks

I progetti internazionali CREAMARE e ART4SEA presentati al Networking Meeting dei Creative Desk di Italia e Malta.

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