
Game development world championship 2021


Good news from the gaming world: the mobile game Dive in the Past that we released on the stores just two months ago, has been selected to participate in the Game Development World Championship 2021, organized by Ace Lagoon Oy, a Finnish game industries recruitment service who supports new game developers throughout the world. 




MAREBOX project is pleased to announce the Call for Artists and Interdisciplinary Teams: Water Weighs. Tracing Underwater memory, the sea’s life and its corporality.

MAREBOX, co-funded by Creative Europe Programme of the European Commission, aims to develop cultural, artistic, innovative and audience-centred experiences on the topic of underwater culture, through the bridging of culture and audiovisual content.


Through this Call, MAREBOX aims to:

- Bring artistic views and practices to highlight and raise awareness of the current challenges of the Mediterranean Sea.

- Create greater openness to partnerships between arts, culture, science and the business industry with a mission to promote and protect maritime cultural and natural wealth.

- Connect people with their past, their present and future, through the long-term survival and accessibility of our shared maritime heritage.


The Call is open for Artists and Interdisciplinary Teams of every age, experience and vision whose work and research is concerned with the memory of the sea, the flux of its layered and complex underwater life and the challenges it must face in this century.


To join the Call, the Artists are expected to provide creative ideas that can be worked through a two-weeks long multi-disciplinary Residency Programme that will be hold in Cosenza (around the end of May 2021).


During the Residency Programme, several workshops will take place along with artwork creation, tutoring and supporting the teams. The Programme will cover the artist’s travelling and production costs, accommodation and food and will provide a living/working space. In addition to the above, all the Artists will receive the help of a professional staff coming from other fields (archaeologists, biologists, chemists, historians of arts, designers etc.) for the creation of the projects. Depending on their concept/idea of work, Artists may be granted access to a database of digital material of third parties (photos, videos, 3D models etc.) for explicit use in the MAREBOX project.


The artefacts produced after the Residency Programme will be hosted in 3 exhibition spaces in Europe (Italy, Greece and Germany) for a month and it will be curated by SAVVY Contemporary (project partner -


Artists and Teams who are going to apply the Call must upload all required documentation by FEBRUARY 10th 2021.

More info, required documentation and applying conditions can be found at the following link:


Hurry up!


Bridging culture and
audiovisual content through digital – EACEA 06/2019



"Science is Wonderful", online edition 2020


"Science is Wonderful" is a big event promoted by EU and dedicated to the latest cutting-edge research projects taking place throughout Europe and the rest of the world, in a lot of different fields: Chemistry, Natural Science, Human and Social Science, Technology&Innovation and many others. 

Dry Visit VR, now available on Steam Store

The VR experience “Dry Visit - Virtual Underwater Visit” is ready to be downloaded for free on the Steam Store (

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