
iMare Culture project lands to Baia

Last week, the partners of the #H2020 iMARECulture research project, i.e. the 3D Research srl, the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT), the Masaryk University of Brno (MU) of the Czech Republic, the Univerzitet u Sarajevu (UoS) of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the #ISCR Institute for Conservation and Restoration of the MIBACT, tested the technologies developed in the project within the Underwater Archeological Park of Baia.

San Francesco di Paola: today the exhibition opening at "Cittadella"

"Calabria, South Italy and Europe at the time of St. Francesco", this is the title of the exhibition about San Francesco di Paola that is going to be inaugurated this afternoon, at 15:00, at "Cittadella" of Calabria Region, in Catanzaro.

Walking with San Francesco: the official presentation of the app

The last 13rd of April, the mobile app of the San Francesco di Paola path has been officially presented, at the San Francesco's monastery in Paola. 

3D Research win the prize for Digital Companies

Last December we joined the Bando Voucher Digitali Impresa 4.0, promoted by the Chamber of Commerce of Cosenza. 

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