

The BCT HUBS (Blue Culture Technology Excellence Hubs in EU Widening Member States) project, within the framework of the European Commission's Horizon 2020 programme, aims to enhance competencies in the Blue Economy sector, focusing mainly on Blue Culture Technology (BCT), underwater cultural heritage, and scientific research.

The main aim of this project is to establish Blue Culture Technology Excellence Hubs, within the Widening Countries involved (i.e. Greece, Bulgaria, Malta and Italy).

These permanent facilities will provide support through innovative solutions and products for the sustainable protection, restoration, valorisation, management, accessibility and promotion of underwater cultural heritage.

The new hubs, characterised by a regional dimension, will be interconnected and oriented towards national and international synergies. The aim is to pursue cross-border collaborations on common strategic objectives; each hub of excellence will act as a meeting point for all regional and national actors involved in blue culture, including research and universities, businesses, the public sector and social actors.

This synergy seeks to strengthen the capacities and effectiveness of each stakeholder, enhancing innovation excellence in the sustainable blue economy and culture within their respective regions.

The planned Excellence Hubs will aim to offer:

  • Services such as trend observation, technology scouting, and brokerage, contribute to strengthening the value chain.
  • Enhancing knowledge transfer: initiatives will be implemented to improve knowledge transfer, for example, through training programs. Additionally, efforts will focus on strengthening entrepreneurial capacities by providing new skills and expertise to researchers, entrepreneurs, and professionals in the blue culture sector. This will open new business opportunities and generate new jobs.
  • Promotion of innovative technology adoption: the hubs will actively engage in promoting and adopting innovative technologies in the context of the Blue Economy.
  • Creation of a new strategic European value chain paradigm: a new model will be sought in the area of TB (Technology for Blue Culture) within the Blue Economy.
3D Research,Atlantis Consuting,Anaptyksis Perifereias Thessalias,University of Thessaly, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas,Skopelos Diving Center, The Hellenic Institute of Marine Archaeology, DAN Europe Foundation, The Superintendence of Cultural Heritage, The Institute of Tourism Studies, AquaBioTech Group, The Centre for Underwater Archaeology, The Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Balkan Heritage Foundation,  Aqua Prom Ltd.

3D Research,
Atlantis Consuting,
Anaptyksis Perifereias Thessalias,
University of Thessaly,
Centre for Research and Technology Hellas,
Skopelos Diving Center,
The Hellenic Institute of Marine Archaeology,
DAN Europe Foundation,
The Superintendence of Cultural Heritage,
The Institute of Tourism Studies,
AquaBioTech Group,
The Centre for Underwater Archaeology,
The Institute of Information and Communication Technologies,
Balkan Heritage Foundation,
Aqua Prom Ltd.
Co-funded by the European Union through the Horizon 2020 Programme
Co-funded by the European Union through the Horizon 2020 Programme

Finanziato dall'Unione europea. Le opinioni espresse appartengono, tuttavia, al solo o ai soli autori e non riflettono necessariamente le opinioni dell'Unione europea o dell’Agenzia esecutiva europea per l’istruzione e la cultura (EACEA). Né l'Unione europea né l'EACEA possono esserne ritenute responsabili.

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