

3D Research s.r.l., as the main applicant, is responsible for the overall coordination and management of the various sectors and stakeholders involved. The aim is to ensure effective collaboration and successful project implementation. A continuous flow of information, defined checkpoints, monitoring, and conflict prevention are key elements that support the successful attainment of the expected results.

The ART4SEA consortium consists of 7 high-profile partners from different European sectors, carefully selected for their proven excellence. These partners can provide the necessary knowledge and expertise to ensure the project's success, the sustainability of the proposed approach, and the expected results. All consortium members share a common interest and have extensive experience in the marine field, offering diverse and complementary perspectives.

The project aims to raise awareness and engage people in changing their relationship with the ocean. ART4SEA's aspiration is to promote and support collaboration between artists, scientists, creative professionals, and digital technology experts.

The arts and artistic expressions possess an extraordinary ability to connect directly to people's emotions, stimulating behavioural change. Digital technologies, such as virtual, augmented and mixed reality, have the potential to reach a wider audience, thus maximising public awareness and interest.

The project saw an open call for the selection of 24 international artists (12 digital artists; 9 street/urban/guerrilla/ecological/graffiti/land art artists; 3 underwater sculptors) who were trained in ocean conservation, sustainable practices in art and digital technologies.

This co-creation approach started as part of the Artists in Residence programme: three Mediterranean islands, Ustica in Italy, Alonissos in Greece and Gozo in Malta hosted a 7-day residency programme in the second year of the project (2024).

Artists have found inspiration in the beautiful natural environments, ancient maritime traditions and direct contact with the local community to create physical and digital artworks. In 2025, the physical artworks will be integrated with the islands' marine, natural and architectural landscapes, creating an outdoor and underwater museum.

The digital artworks and digital twins of the physical ones will be displayed in a virtual exhibition, accessible online and in the metaverse. The Vision Multimedia Centre in Vlora, Albania, will be the first place to host the exhibition with all the artworks.

ART4SEA will conclude with an event in Ustica, where various performances will animate the historic part of the island, actively involving the local communities.

3D Research,Atlantis Consuting,Bashkia Vlore,Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior De Investigaciones Científicas,Divers Alert Network Europe Foundation,iWORLD,Fondazione Sebastiano Tusa.

3D Research,
Atlantis Consuting,
Bashkia Vlore,
Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior De Investigaciones Científicas,
Divers Alert Network Europe Foundation,
Fondazione Sebastiano Tusa.
Co-funded by the European Union through the CREATIVE EUROPE Programme (CREA) - Call for proposals CREA-CULT-2022-COOP.
Co-funded by the European Union through the CREATIVE EUROPE Programme (CREA) - Call for proposals CREA-CULT-2022-COOP.

Finanziato dall'Unione europea. Le opinioni espresse appartengono, tuttavia, al solo o ai soli autori e non riflettono necessariamente le opinioni dell'Unione europea o dell’Agenzia esecutiva europea per l’istruzione e la cultura (EACEA). Né l'Unione europea né l'EACEA possono esserne ritenute responsabili.


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