Heritage in motion: 3D Research is the only one italian finalist
Tomorrow afternoon, at 17.00 CET, let's connect to the website of Europa Nostra to follow the streaming of the Heritage in Motion Award 2021 ceremony.
- 9 September 2021
"Science is Wonderful", online edition 2020
"Science is Wonderful"is a big event promoted by EU and dedicated to the latest cutting-edge research projects taking place throughout Europe and the rest of the world, in a lot of different fields: Chemistry, Natural Science, Human and Social Science, Technology&Innovation and many others.
- 9 September 2020
Dry Visit VR, now available on Steam Store
The VR experience “Dry Visit - Virtual Underwater Visit” is ready to be downloaded for free on the Steam Store (https://bit.ly/2M3QHgP).
- 5 May 2020
Dry Visit Xlendi is now available for Android and iOS
We are glad to announce that “Dry Visit – Xlendi Shipwreck” app is available for free on Play Store and App Store. It has been developed in the context of the Horizon 2020 iMareCulture project.
- 3 March 2020
DryVisit Baiae: a city to discover (iOS - Android)
We are glad to announce that, after the Xlendi mobile app, also “Dry Visit – Baiae Underwater Park” is now available for free on Google Play Store and App Store. It has been developed in the context of the Horizon 2020 i-MARECULTURE project.
- 3 March 2020
From Cosenza to Cyprus for the Underwater Heritage Preservation
The 2nd International Workshop of Underwater 3D Recording and Modelling has taken place on the 2nd and 3rd of May in Limassol (Cyprus). 3D Research has joined the conference as golden sponsor, presenting the latest developments of the Horizon 2020 iMare Culture project.
- 5 May 2019
Underwater 3D recording & modelling: 2nd International Workshop
The 2nd edition of the International Workshop about the latest techniques of 3D recording and modelling of the Underwater Cultural Heritage will take place in Limassol (Cyprus), on the 2nd and 3rd of May 2019.
- 10 October 2018
About us...on Repubblica TV!
Last week the journalist Rosita Giorgi, made an exclusive report about us for Repubblica TV.
- 7 July 2018
iMare Culture project lands to Baia
Last week, the partners of the #H2020 iMARECulture research project, i.e. the 3D Research srl, the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT), the Masaryk University of Brno (MU) of the Czech Republic, the Univerzitet u Sarajevu (UoS) of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the #ISCR Institute for Conservation and Restoration of the MIBACT, tested the technologies developed in the project within the Underwater Archeological Park of Baia.
- 6 June 2018
iMareCULTURE and MUSAS at BMTA 2017
The 20th Mediterranean scholarship for archaeological tourism, in Paestum, has just ended. The event was, this year more than others, based on the concept of Cultural and Artistic Heritage as a binder between populations, as an antidote against the strains traversing the word.
- 11 November 2017