Just opened the new KAC of Capo Colonna
Friday, 20 December 2019Last wednesday 18th of December, we were glad to join the opening of the new installations which, thanks to the Bluemed project and our collaboration, now enrich the interesting expositions of the Archaeological Museum of Capo Colonna, near Kroton (Calabria).
The Bluemed project, co-financed by the Interreg Med Programme, unites Italy, Greece and Croatia on a common goal: to raise awareness among the citizens and the European institutions about the need of preservation of the natural and cultural underwater heritage of the Mediterranean area, so that they could keep being a precious resource for the development of a sustainable tourism of coastal and island areas. In accordance with the 2001 UNESCO Convention about the preservation of the underwater cultural heritage, Bluemed favours, where is possible, the in situ preservation of the underwater archaeological remains, privileging innovative underwater documentation, preservation and restoration techniques.
The opening started with a presentation of the Bluemed project by Prof. Fabio Bruno and the Archaeologist Salvatore Medaglia, from the University of Calabria. Followed the projection of some videos expressly produced for the project with the collaboration of the director Andrea Belcastro. Finally Dr. Antonella Cucciniello, Dr. Gregorio Aversa, Director of the Museum and National Archaological Park of Capo Colonna, Dr. Lino Traini, from the Superintendence of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for the Catanzaro, Cosenza and Kroton provinces, Cap. Bartolo Taglietti, Commander of the Carabinieri Unit for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Cosenza, Prof. Mauro La Russa, Associate Professor of applied Petrografy to the Cultural Heritage of the Unical, Dr. Giovanni Aramini, Head of the Parks and Protected Natural Areas sector of the Calabria Region, Dr. Simone Scalise, Head of the Marine Protected Area of “Capo Rizzuto” and Dr. Antonella Rizzo, Councilor for Environmental Protection of the Calabria Region reached the center of the room to open a debate about the project results.
After the debate, the opening participants had the chance to experience in first person the new installations: two totems for the Dry Visit, a virtual reality dive into the pilot archaeological sites of the Bluemed project; one console to observe closer the 3D copies of the findings dug into the Archaeological area of Capo Colonna; a touch monitor to know all the marine organisms who populate the numerous shipwrecks today spread throughout the Mediterranean sea bottom.
For more info about the Bluemed project: https://bluemed.interreg-med.eu/
Following some photos of the event.
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