Interactive paths for knowing the Territory
An award-winning project proposed by the Liceo Classico ‘Fiorentino’, the lead partner of a network of high schools of Lamezia Terme, Sant'Eufemia, Gizzeria, Curinga, Falerna, and Maida.
Our main contribution to the project has been the 3D reconstruction of 21 finds, held at the Archaeological Museum of Nicastro (Lamezia Terme, CZ). During the acquisition stage, we had the pleasure of taking part in the teaching activity, showing and explaining to the students all the steps of a 3D photogrammetric reconstruction. The results were made available through a Totem Mneme with a stereoscopic screen.
By placing a number of QR Code on the showcases in the museum, we delivered an augmented reality Guide App to be used on tablets.