

We participate to this project mainly as software developers, with the goal to provide a strategy for enhancing and promoting the tourist offer of Calabria, by working in close contact with all the players in the industry: tourists, tourist service providers, and regional decision-makers.
By gaining access to a single digital platform, the former will get a complete and customized tourist offer that may be helpful to plan their visiting experience in a better way, through non-invasive logging of their activities and sentiment analysis systems.
Service providers and decision makers can play an active role in managing services, profiting of Decision Support System (DSS) technologies for targeting and calibrating their offer, thanks to the monitoring of tourist flows.
Touristic platform
Touristic platform
Itaca s.r.l.,Università degli StudiMilano Bicocca
Itaca s.r.l.,Università degli StudiMilano Bicocca

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